SZ: 2246003
V: Hektor Talka Marda
M:Quendy Weinbergblick
HD: fast normal
ED: normal
AUSLAND Finnland ausgewertet
Besitzer: Jussi Koskinen
( SV Schutzdiensthelfer - Finnland )
Verein: Turku
am 15. Dezember hat er die Augen geöffnet
am 10. Tag hat er die 1 kg Marke durchbrochen
1. Wurmkur am 15. Tag gut überstanden.
2. Wurmkur nach 4 Wochen
3. Wurmkur nach 6 1/2 Wochen
26. Dezember ( 22 Tag ) kam der erste Zahn
Hello Christoph!
Everything is very well here with Arrogant! ...
... Arrogant has changed all of his teeth now. I have been playing with him and he shows good ball-drive! I´m very pleased with him. We have done one "protection"-exsercise with the helper, and he felt quite good. His grip was exellent and his attack was intense. It´s a bit difficult to do obedience with food, because my hands get very sour ;)
He is quite big, but "skinny". He hasn´t had any problems with his health. He is very attached to me! ...
..The last time I wrote to you I told you we have -25°C and a meter of snow and now we have +28,5°C and sunshine! ;)
Kind regards from here,
03. April 2010
First springday in Finnland... ;-D
18. Februar 2010
Winter joy with snow and -15°C...
Everything is fine here.
Arrogant has got very good nerves and he behaves very well with the other dogs.
I´m very pleased wit what Quendy has tought Arrogant how to behave.
Kind regards,
Jussi and Arrogant